Ini adalah hasil kerja keras saya selama hampir 6 tahun kuliah di Fakultas Kehutanan UGM, saya bagikan secara cuma cuma untuk anda semua, pengabdi ilmu pengetahuan sejati. Videonya tidak berhubungan sama sekali dengan skripsinya, tapi saya publikasikan juga sebagai upaya untuk memperciamik tampilan blog ini. Mudah mudahan berguna, sila dibaca abstractnya, unduh skripsinya, tonton videonya, dan tidur.

Chandra Agusta1
Wahyu Tri Widayanti2
Bowo Dwi Siswoko3


The existence of people forest with herbal agroforestry system have an important role to the society of Kulon Progo District. Herbal agroforestry system in Kulon Progo can accomodate the ecologycal , social, and economical function. The herbal agroforestry system depend on the involved stakeholders. The involved stakeholders hold an important role and their own interest. The involvement of this stakeholder is influenced by the gains, the social and economic condition of the native, and by the awareness and concern.

This research use qualitatif approach with case study method. Data was analysed by descriptive method using the Individual Interest Analysis Matrix (AIIM). AIIM analysis techniques produced a matrix that describes the level of interest and bias of each stakeholder in policy advocacy. Stakeholder analysis is oriented to the interests and involvement of each stakeholder.

From the research results revealed that there are six stakeholders involved in herbal agroforestry system in Kulon Progo. Stakeholders can be differentiated into the primary stakeholders, secondary stakeholders, and key stakeholders. The primary stakeholders namely farmers, farmer groups, traders, and industries. Secondary stakeholders is the governments and nongovernmental organizations. Key stakeholders, namely Kulon Progo government. Farmers, traders, and the industries has strong economic interests, namely to seek the benefits of herbal agroforestry management. Meanwhile, farmers groups, governments, and nongovernmental organizations have an interest to empower the community. All stakeholders are interwoven in a complex interactions that make up a system. The presence of each stakeholders mutually influence each other, so that if one excluded the stakeholders that form the system does not run properly.

Keyword: Stakeholder Analysis, Agroforestry, Herbal

1Mahasiwa Fakultas Kehutanan UGM
2Staf Pengajar Fakultas Kehutanan UGM
3Staf Pengajar Fakultas Kehutanan UGM

Unduh skripsi disini dan ucapkan terimakasih. Salam olahraga


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